2020年環球經濟出現巨大的波動,各國的營商條件相繼轉差,偏偏英國傳奇收藏家 Charles Saatchi 的女兒 Phoebe Saatchi 選擇在充滿不確定性的時刻進軍英國最尊貴的藝術交易核心地帶 Mayfair - 全新的 Saatchi Yates 畫廊可能是2020年最轟動的藝壇大事。
Culture and art have a newfound significance in a world burdened with a pandemic, where we are living much of our lives in isolation or with restrictions. Two gallerists have opened The Saachi Yates Gallery on Cork Street in London, a street made famous for its history in nurturing and birthing artists and gallerists, like Francis Bacon and Peggy Guggenheim. Gallerists Aurthur Yates and Phoebe Saatchi Yates have claimed this historical spot in London, as they say, “with one foot in the past, and one in the future”– looking to reinvent gallerying in these uncertain times. Our Host James Chau speaks with them from London.