愛滋病患者的故事值得我們回憶和致敬,包括3,630 萬犧牲者,以及今天3,790 萬感染者。
科菲·安南基金會主席 Elhadj As Sy 在全球和社區中對愛滋病的積極應對做出了貢獻。
40年前的1981 年 6 月是愛滋病研究的開端,正如我們所知。回想當時您有甚麼印象?
如果可以的話,我想問,當您想到 40 年前的愛滋病時,你會想到誰?
40 年來,每次舉辦研討會,都會拍下很多集體照,當你今天看到這些照片時,卻發現其中很多面孔都不見了。
Elhadj As Sy,希望你一切順利。我們向您和您的家人致以最好的祝福。
Your questions make me a little emotional. I don't know how to respond to that, but just so many images and faces just come.
We honor the stories and memories of 36.3 million people who lost their fight against AIDS… and the 37.9 million living with HIV today.
Elhadj As Sy, Chair of the Kofi Annan Foundation, contributes to the global and community response.
June 1981 is exactly 40 years since the start of AIDS, as we know it. What are your memories going back to that time?
When we talk about millions of people who are affected, but behind each figure there is a story, there is a story of a friend, there is a story of a co-worker, there is a story of a child, so many stories that cannot be translated in numbers and figures.
If I may gently ask you, when you think of 40 years of AIDS, who do you think of?
My very dear friend... we did everything together... went to school together.
I had the fortune of making it to university unlike many others we grew up with... a wonderful human being in many ways, skilled in many, many, many ways... lost his life at a time where there was no treatment.
Every time I'm facing a person living with HIV/AIDS, that very friend comes back.
Along those 40 years, when you had a seminar, you had group photos... when you look at those photos today, you see so many faces missing.
Those are the faces of HIV/AIDS that are with me all the time, make me sad in many moments, but motivate me most of the time.
In their names, and the names of so many friends, the known and unknown, it is our duty and our responsibility as simply humans in order to end AIDS.
Your question makes me a little emotional when you talk about the people that we met through our HIV journey.
I don't know how to respond to that, but just so many images and faces and situations just come. I think you triggered something because it's there, but you know it’s always dormant.
So, your question about this pandemic that we're all experiencing right now, these are moments of truth... these are moments of humanity. But it's a moment also for gratitude.
Elhadj As Sy, God bless you and everything that you do. Our best wishes to you and your family.
Thank you, James.