25歲的美國留學生Jacob 在上海讀書說,不要通過別人的眼睛去看中國。真正的中國和新聞報道、政客、甚至家人朋友口中所說的,都不一樣,必須用自己眼睛看:「我眼中的中國」
Jacob Thomas, originally from Sopchoppy, Florida, a town of fewer than 500 people, knows first-hand the disconnect that sometimes exists between Chinese and Americans. That’s why he started documenting his everyday experiences when he moved to China – to allow everyone back home to see China for themselves. What began as a hobby for the postgraduate student living in Shanghai has transformed into a serious passion – Jacob has just won a special prize for his short film, “China Through My Eyes”, which was chosen out of 224 submissions from 41 countries. This is his story.