1945年8月6日:美軍在廣島投下第一枚原子彈;8月9 日,第二枚落在長崎,25萬人遇害。75年後的今日,國際社會並未能忘記戰爭為人類帶來的痛苦。國際人權組織 The Elders 舉辦網上活動,呼籲世人要盡力避免重蹈當日的災難。
This month marks the 75th anniversaries of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Now, The Elders, led by Mary Robinson and Ban Ki-moon, are gathering the world for a digital remembrance, and calling on leaders to never let this happen again. Our Host James Chau tells the story of this day in history.