在雲端時代,資料需要更加頻繁上傳及下載雲端,而海底光纖電纜就是讓資料順暢流動的「大動脈」。全球 95% 的國際數據通信通過海底纜進行,全球海底光纖纜已經有 462 條,總長度超過 110 萬公里。
China recently broke its own record for the deepest dive in the Pacific Ocean. Achieving 10,907 meters, the dive took place in the Mariana Trench—the deepest area of ocean in the world. In collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Shenyang Institute of Automation deployed the Haidou-1, a Chinese-developed underwater vessel, to collect samples and capture high-definition images that will shed more light on some of our oceans’ biggest mysteries. What we discover from this mission can help us better understand the world we live in.