瘟疫讓全球都把焦點都集中在各個大城市的抗疫工作,世界上為數約7,000萬的難民就變成被遺忘的一群。本來遷徙是為了生存,遇上封關、缺乏清潔的水源、醫療問題和飢荒,他們的將來會是如何?留意The China Current 聯合國難民署高級專員菲利普格蘭迪專訪。
Filippo Grandi brings enormous field experience in emergency operations to his role as UN High Commissioner for Refugees - and compassion and kindness, too. Today, there are 70.8 million forcibly removed people, whose challenges and those of their host communities are compounded by COVID-19, the biggest threat to humanity in almost a century. What future awaits these individuals, many of whom have no home or access to clean water - but are being told to stay indoors and wash their hands? And what hope do they have in this era of lockdowns and closed borders, when movement and escape are sometimes their only means of survival? In this special conversation, our host James Chau speaks with Mr. Grandi about the human condition that impacts us all.