專訪前任紐西蘭總理:海倫克拉克在很多國際事務上都是一位核心領袖,最近亦以女政治家的身份領導全球對抗COVID-19的工作。她表示,G20 財長會議成功取得逾200億的援助計畫,可望有力支援全球最貧困的國家渡過疫情的侵害。
Helen Clark was Prime Minister of New Zealand and Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme. Today, she is a pivotal leader who is exercising her statesmanship against COVID-19, the greatest threat to space and security. In her communications with the UN Security Council and G20 leaders, she has made a clarion call for a global coordinated action to include urgent funding, debt relief, and a reset mindset that will allow countries to go hard and forward together. Our host James Chau speaks with Helen Clark in this special interview from her home in Auckland.